I didn't choose to be here
I didn't come here
I was brought here
Then why stay so long?
It made me suffer
It made me grow
Not here or there
I didn't feel at home
I had to assimilate
to the point of hate
I hated my roots
I hated myself
I hated my people
My language
My culture
It then became my future
But it didn't last long
Thankfully, I had enough
I open the first chapter
and read the last line
The book is open now
But I choose to oblige
then, I battle to survive
Is not about me, or my choices
I realised it become my destiny
Now I can see
Who I am and where to be
No, I don't belong here
The bureaucracy doesn't want me
They took my freedom
Forced to stay
Had no options
or anything to say
If I say it or if they know it
Will call the pigs on me
Already got a scare
But Xangô was with me
No, I don't belong here
Pauline Massimo,